Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tree People

If you are blessed like me.  You have lived surrounded by beautiful trees your entire life. 
If not...umm well...just get here fast!

Trees... so many beautiful ones.

Dogwood, pine, beech, birch, cedar, cypress,  poplar...oh the list goes on.  We all have a favorite...

Maples are my favorite.

Say it slowly.... may - puhl.  You can almost taste the syrup dripping into your mouth.

They turn the most glorious colors in the fall.  From a bright orange like above to a beautiful red, that for some reason reminds me of an apple.  Probably my innate ability to associate anything with food. 

Anyway, my next favorite are the oaks.  The mighty oaks.  I mean for such a short name it really has an authoritative presence, kind of like the tree itself.  Solid and dignified.  

Their endurance of tree climbing, rough housing, branch swinging young children has stood the test of time.  Forget the xboxes and playstations, you have your own personal playground at this house.  No plugins required!

And guess what else?

It has a creek.  Oh that's right. 

You might not want to say that too loud.  Trees and a creek!

A tree people and a creek people...you must have done something right.

So if you have the chance to become like us, one of the blessed, you should take it.

Really.... be a tree people.

This beautiful home has over 32 acres of land surrounding.  Wouldn't this be lovely to wake up to each morning? 

                        Call Judy Shuler to see this beautiful home. 828.226.8536 or 828.586.4616
   MLS #48482